I placed them in the categories of CC I like the most from each site. Some were so good at different things I had to place them in two categories. Garden of Shadows – A forum site filled with CC of all kinds.Be sure to check them all out! General CC Sites But I tried to keep overlap to a minimum. Mod the Sims – My favorite site for mods and Maxis match custom content.LeeFish – Offers a variety of custom content and mod downloads, also home of the graphics rules maker.Many amazing creators share their stuff here. Sims 2 Default Database – Default replacements for the hideous Maxis stuff.Parsimonious – Lots of beautiful furniture, clothing, walls and floors, terrains, makeup, accessories, pretty much some of everything.N99 Forums – Another awesome place to find Maxis match custom content.
Sims Cave – This site is one of my go-to’s for finding new Sims 2 cc.I used this site to replace most of the awful base game clothing. The forum is updated weekly with all the newly released content scoured from around the web. Both realistic and Maxis match styles are represented.

Go to TS2 Updates for the most recent finds and the Updates Archive for older stuff. Around The Sims 2 – Sometimes abbreviated as ATS. Holy Simoly – Pages upon pages of build sets and furniture.Gingers’s Crazy About Sims – Lots of really nice cars and vehicles, plus some plants and other stuff.Feenwald (Fairy Forest) – A German site with loads of beautiful furniture and build sets, and some nice Medieval stuff if you’re interested in that.Buggy’s Retreat – The absolute highest quality furnishings for your Sim homes.This site has tons of beautiful objects, lots of clutter, retail and build mode sets, and sets for every room.

Muupi’s Tumblr – Colorful build and buy mode objects – wall hangings, bedding, and more.iCad’s Tumblr – Lots of different downloads, but my favorites are the build mode items.Honeywell’s Downloads – Amazing buy and build mode stuff, including the beautiful Bespoke Build set walls, objects, mods, neighborhood deco, lots, and more.Really great stuff here from this classic site.

Plus, makeup defaults (these are the ones I use in my game).