The Japanese version holds the possibility to get the GS ball in Goldenrod City's Pokémon Communication Center, but only after beating the Elite Four. There is also a separate download code available in Japan. In Europe there will be a physical release with the download code in the box, while in Japan there will be a physical release with a magnet based on Crystal's Cartridge, a poster with all the Pokémon released in gen 2 and with a gen 2 type compatibility chart, stickers, and also a download code.

The release on the 3DS Virtual Console will take place on January the 26th, 2018. Back when Pokemon transitioned onto the Gameboy Advance system, Pokémon from Gen 1 and Gen 2 cartridges weren't legitimately obtainable (via transfer) due to limitations in the link cable design. This means that Pokémon from all main-series games can be legitimately transferred to the latest games. Today an official announcement was made for a 3DS Virtual Console release of Pokémon Crystal.